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‘Portfolio’ by Christine Widdall

Review by

Norman Marsh


20 January 2025

She has seen the hills and moor in Fog and snow and rain and also under severe stress of fire, but her love of that environment was evident in the way she recounted the details of her walks and the surroundings that hold so much feeling of belonging. Blessed with the wonderful evening light that seems to pervade autumn in that part of Yorkshire (or is it Lancashire – there is some doubt ) Christine demonstrated her wonderful ability in capturing ‘patterns in the landscape’. Images of trees in russet and gold leaves, touched by the rising sun,  or reflections of misty hillsides, and clouds of mist due to temperature inversions were offered to the collective club members.

Christine’s prowess with landscapes was equally matched if not excelled with her cityscape’s around Salford quay, shown in glorious evening light, where panoramas in stormy weather gave the opportunities for the interplay of light and shade and reflections from modern structures. Abstract images were shown and the story of how a shattered globe inspired the impressive War Memorial was explained in a touching deviation.

As if to further inspire the members to explore different genre’s, Christine moved from the expansive images of cityscapes to the smaller world of insects and their surroundings. Subtle tips of what to include and how to better record the fabulous details of the intricate natural world around us, were given. So to were the tips and explanations for her next offering of ‘Goths and Steampunks’. What a deviation ! Suffice to say that the quality and dedication to this genre of montage / composite Studio work has been matched with her own personal involvement as a Steampunk herself, with ‘Whitby’ it seems, being the epicentre for such gatherings.

Wonderful creative montages and the intricate construction of them were explained in detail satisfying and even encouraging members to have a go themselves.

The easy delivery and confident way that Christine presented her very varied and excellent ‘Poliofolio’ to the members was inspiring to say the least. And, to think that most of what was shown she considered ‘not of a competition entry standard’, leaves us all questioning our own efforts. We must try harder methinks.

A terrific evening. Thanks Christine.

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