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I shoot animals … and sometimes I cut their heads off

Review by

Janine Scola


20 March 2023

A review by Janine Scola - An evening with Steven Galvin LRPS

A thought-provoking title which belied the evening’s presentation! Steven is a freelance photographer, judge and speaker, with not only an interest in photography, but also computing and art which he brings together in his own inimitable style. He is also a member of Marlow CC.

His influences into the world of natural history came from his early childhood through books and films and particularly Jacques Cousteau which sparked his interest in underwater photography.

He presented an very eclectic mix of photographs, imparting how he ‘sees’ an image and how in the future, he wishes to take a fresh creative approach, falling back into his love of art and producing something ‘weirdly’ very different from the original. Along the way he showed us images taken in his early days, to those more up-to-date of a similar subject matter, where he felt there was an improvement and he had been a little more creative.

The subject matter throughout the evening was wide-ranging, from dogs, orchids and bugs, to underwater images of various corals and fish – there was no time to nod off or you would have completely lost the thread!

The second half of his presentation took us to the British Wildlife Centre in Sussex, Copenhagen Zoo and Skomer, together with images from a Macro Workshop - a lot to absorb presented in record time. The final part of his talk centred on a safari trip to South Africa with images depicting his journey in Botswana and recounting his stories of his travels.

In closing, Steven will continue with the RPS, and hoped that as a judge he continues to be fair and accurate and inspiring to his fellow photographers.

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