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Intimate Landscapes

Review by

Norman Marsh


18 September 2023

“You only see a sparrow once” is a re-quote from Simon Turnbull’s presentation. Strangely this statement made more sense as the evening progressed.

Simon’s passion for capturing the natural world was clear from the start, more so for the small delicate items of nature we all seemingly ‘never see’. Born and raised in the Lake district under the brooding fell of ‘Blencathra’, it clearly instilled the desire to record the beauty that surrounded him, but in Simon’s case that beauty was not just in the panoramic magnificence but in the small micro portions of those landscapes.

‘Always be mindful of the nature around you’, slow down – be more ‘tortoise and dawdle’ . These words of wisdom for all aspiring photographers were given as Simon explained - using a wonderful selection images how he interpreted the intimate feelings of the natural world. His presentation and clarity was excellent as one might expect of a practising lawyer. His photography as he said brings relaxation and a welcome relief from work and family pressures and stresses the need for mindfulness – something that shone through with his simple images of a leaf in a water eddy, or the gnarled moss covered branch.

Simon gave us all an emotional view of the photographers natural surroundings, and how he approaches it in taking an image, but was mindful also of the practicalities we have all encountered – ‘have we got the right gear, too much or not enough and where are the memory cards or batteries etc. This and more is part of the way he crafts his images and instructs aspiring landscape photographers to see the beauty of the small and wider views of the world around them.

A thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking presentation by an impassioned photographer.

- Norman Marsh

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