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The Highs and Lows of Photography

Review by

Penny Piddock


14 November 2022

We are very lucky in the club to have so many talented members prepared to share their pictures and Garry did just that.

He promised us an evening of; aviation, drones, landscape and nature and that is exactly what we got. All very different but with a common theme 'flight' and one word was important for all of them... planning.

Garry has been interested in aircraft since childhood and visits Air Displays and Shows whenever he can. We saw iconic aircraft such as the Spitfire and recently retired Vulcan to very new & rarely seen American fighter planes. There were Display teams from several countries and even a display team of wing-walkers .
Garry likes perfection in his photos and researches beforehand to get the best vantage point for photography, if possible a hillside where you can get shots that look as if you are in an aircraft flying alongside with a landscape below. H & S restrictions on low level flights now mean it is very difficult to repeat the locations for some of his most memorable shots taken at the Chalk Valley Festival .
For those of you who were inspired I found a list of events to be held next year:

The Next Flying Object was the Camera carried by one of his two drones. We saw some amazing wide landscapes stitched together in camera and sometimes still shots from shots taken with his land camera from where Garry was controlling the drone. The locations, elevation, take-off and landing positions were carefully chosen.
The rules of drone flying were explained and we were encouraged to pick up the two drones, one light and susceptible to the wind, the other one heavier but with incredible gimbal stabilisation that enables it to fly in poor conditions.

Nature images rounded up the evening. Stunning birds in flight, hunting for food, squabbling, and courting. I think we will all remember the hunting Barn Owl shots. We also saw hares, butterflies insects etc, and once again we heard how to plan in order to get the perfect shots.

We definitely saw the highs and lows as promised, from the mighty Vulcan Bomber to a hoverfly on a flower. All were equally fascinating .
Thank-you Garry.

-Penny Piddock.

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